
How Much Does It Cost To Clean Contaminated Soil In California

By this fall, California's Section of Toxic Substances Control plans to begin removing lead-tainted soil from 2,500 residential backdrop well-nigh the shuttered Exide Technologies battery recycling plant in Vernon.

The cleanup — the largest of its kind in California history — spans vii southeast Los Angeles County neighborhoods, where plant operations have threatened the health of an estimated 100,000 people.

More than two years after the possibility of federal criminal charges forced the found to shut down, yet, the land has refused to release crucial data nearly the contamination and cleanup requested by lawmakers, customs members and reporters.

Here'due south what The Times has learned through repeated questions and records requests — and what is still left unanswered.

(Angelica Quintero / @latimesgraphics)

What are the health risks?

Atomic number 82 is a poisonous substance that, even in small amounts, can lower children'southward IQs and cause other developmental harm.

From 1922 to 2022, regulators say, the Vernon plant'south lead-smelting operations deposited the harmful metal in the soil up to 1.vii miles away.

Co-ordinate to an analysis released last year by the state public health section, nearly 300 children younger than 6 living near Exide had high claret lead levels in 2022 — the final yr the institute was in full operation. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers claret lead levels of five micrograms per deciliter or more to be elevated.

County health officials are administering a gratuitous blood-testing programme for people living most the facility, funded with $ii one thousand thousand from Exide. Fewer than 0.5% of the children tested and so far have had loftier blood atomic number 82 levels, according to the county.

What neighborhoods have been afflicted?

Regulators say lead emissions from the Exide institute drifted across an surface area of more than 10,000 residential properties spanning seven communities: Bell, Boyle Heights, Commerce, East Los Angeles, Huntington Park, Maywood and Vernon. The affected neighborhoods are predominantly Latino, with nigh thirty% of people living in poverty; the countywide poverty rate is eighteen%.

Crews so far accept tested the soil of more than 8,200 properties. In its July 6 cleanup program, the land summarized sampling results for more than than 7,000 of those — and more than 98% showed lead levels exceeding 80 parts per million, California'southward health standard for residential soil.

The toxic substances control department has released spreadsheets containing detailed sampling data on almost 1,900 residential properties, and recently made public the addresses and parcel numbers of a few dozen child intendance facilities where crews sampled the soil or detected elevated atomic number 82 levels. Only the department has not released the precise locations of homes tested.

The Times has sought sampling results by parcel, accost, map coordinates and block number, based on the public'southward right to know the extent of contagion and how the government is spending public funds.

The toxic substances section argues that disclosing such data would compromise residents' privacy, expose sensitive health information and discourage participation in soil sampling and cleanup. Though the data pertain "to soil atomic number 82 levels, not personal blood lead levels," department lawyer James Mathison said in a March letter, "there is a potential correlation to be made between identifying particular locations with high soil lead levels and correspondingly high blood pb levels" of people living there.

More than than one-half of the households surveyed recently by county wellness officials reported that they have non received results from the soil testing completed in their yards. Figures released by the toxics department show that as of tardily July, it had yet to send results to more than than 2,000 parcels — about one-quarter of those tested.

Officials said more results are beingness mailed to residents weekly.

(Angelica Quintero / @latimesgraphics)

Georgia-based Exide, which acquired the plant in 2000, has said its lead emissions did non extend into residential areas — and has pointed the finger at other industries, lead-based paint in older homes and past emissions from vehicles.

The company filed a lawsuit concluding year seeking blood lead data on people tested in L.A. County, including each person'southward age, city and Cypher Code; the historic period of the habitation in which each person lived; and any causes of pb poisoning. The country is fighting the lawsuit in court, calling information technology an attempt by Exide to dodge financial responsibility and blame the contagion on pb paint and gasoline.

How many homes have been cleaned — and where?

Crews have removed lead from 262 residential properties since elevated levels of the poisonous metallic were discovered in neighborhoods about the establish more than three years agone.

Start in Baronial 2022, Exide — under state oversight — paid contractors to make clean 186 tainted properties in Boyle Heights and Maywood. From November 2022 to June 2022, crews cleaned another 50 homes farther from the found, using $7 1000000 in taxpayer funds set aside for sampling and remediation. Cleanup work and so stood at a standstill for months, with regulators arguing they could non remove lead-polluted soil from any properties amidst a yearlong environmental review.

Lead hazard notifications, such as this one seen May 18 outside a home in Maywood, must be posted outside soil cleanup sites.
Lead take chances notifications, such as this one seen May 18 outside a home in Maywood, must be posted outside soil cleanup sites. (Tony Barboza / Los Angeles Times)

In January, the section announced an expedited cleanup programme for the highest-risk backdrop. Crews have cleaned 26 parcels since then, according to the department.

Despite requests from The Times, state toxics officials have not released records detailing the dates and locations of completed cleanups.

The state health department has not immune The Times to access lead take chances notification records that are posted outside each yard before it is cleaned.

Which backdrop are in line to be cleaned?

Under new state guidelines, yards volition be selected for cleanup if they meet certain lead thresholds. Also slated for cleanup are dozens of kid care centers and a handful of schools and parks within the contamination zone.

In its cleanup plan, the state estimates that with the money available, it will be able to clean approximately two,500 properties "with the highest levels of atomic number 82 and greatest potential health risk." Soil removal should begin after a contractor is selected this fall, officials said, and the try will take about two years.

Land Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) called the programme " a step in the right management" merely complained that the years-long timeline for cleaning homes "defies all logic."

"I know that everybody would like everything to happen faster than it does," Barbara Lee, director of the Section of Toxic Substances Control, told reporters last calendar month. "Simply if you look at these cleanups across the nation, what DTSC has been able to do in a twelvemonth's fourth dimension is actually extraordinary."

(Angelica Quintero / @latimesgraphics)

How much is existence spent on testing and cleanup?

More than than $192 1000000 has been fix aside for the project, virtually of it in April 2022, when Gov. Jerry Chocolate-brown signed legislation authorizing $176.half dozen million to test all 10,000 backdrop and remove lead from about 2,500 of them.

At least $42 million already has been spent. Taxpayers are ground nigh of the neb, at to the lowest degree for now.

Exide paid $9 million into a trust account during the project's first phase of testing and cleanup and is obligated to make additional payments in the future. Through the attorney general's office, the state has vowed to get after Exide and whatsoever other responsible parties to recoup costs, in what is likely to be a protracted legal fight.

The state toxics agency took more than than 10 months to turn over records detailing its expenditures on the project. Yous can view them here.

Mohsen Nazemi, deputy director at the state Department of Toxic Substances Control, addresses the public during a July community advisory group meeting on the Exide cleanup at Salesian High School in Boyle Heights.
Mohsen Nazemi, deputy director at the state Department of Toxic Substances Control, addresses the public during a July customs advisory group coming together on the Exide cleanup at Salesian High School in Boyle Heights. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

Neighborhood groups and area elected officials said they take struggled to get officials to reply basic questions most the projection.

"Years go past and we're not getting the data," said Teresa Marquez, president of Mothers of East Los Angeles. "We don't even know what houses they're cleaning. So information technology's non transparent."

State toxics department spokeswoman Rosanna Westmoreland said that the bureau "is working difficult to release as much data as possible" but that the scale and complexity of the project makes that difficult.

What happens to contaminated properties that don't brand the cut?

Though the toxics department estimates that the soil of virtually 10,000 backdrop may need to be cleaned, it has not committed to remediating whatever beyond the ii,500 covered past its cleanup plan.

For at present, that leaves thousands of families whose yards are contaminated with no timeline for when to expect cleanup, if at all. According to officials, the state's power to clean additional homes depends on funding. Their plan is to notify residents whose homes volition not brand the current cut and provide them fact sheets on how to minimize their exposure to pb.

"We're not going to tell them, 'Your property is not going to be cleaned up or doesn't need to be cleaned up,' " Mohsen Nazemi, a toxics department deputy managing director, told residents and community leaders at a public meeting July 20. He disputed the suggestion that the department was leaving residents behind, maxim, "They're non forgotten, they're just non in this phase of cleanup."

A screenshot from a June 2022 Department of Toxic Substances Control letter to a property owner whose lead-contaminated soil does not appear to meet the threshold for inclusion in the 2,500-property cleanup plan.
A screenshot from a June 2022 Department of Toxic Substances Control alphabetic character to a holding owner whose lead-contaminated soil does not announced to encounter the threshold for inclusion in the two,500-belongings cleanup plan. (Tony Barboza / Los Angeles Times)

Aroused customs members and elected officials say the toxics department should offer some assurance that information technology will continue cleaning homes afterward 2022 using other funds — including acquirement from new fees state lawmakers imposed on the sale of lead-acid batteries, the kind that were melted down at Exide.

Those fees — which Westmoreland said were amongst the "potential options for funding further sampling and cleanup activities" — took event Apr i and could raise upwardly to $26 million a yr for sites contaminated by bombardment-recycling operations, according to state estimates.

Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), who authored the legislation, said she expected those funds to abound over the next 2 years while crews clean the 2,500 properties well-nigh Exide.

"In that location should be enough money so there is no interruption and the work continues at a similar step," Garcia said. But in the concurrently, she added, "I detect it really irresponsible to tell the public that nosotros don't know if we're going to take care of you. I take constituents that are panicked that they're going to be left backside."

Twitter: @tonybarboza

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